Assisi Hospice



For my labour to create this mural, a group of 12 donors had collectively bid $27,000 during a charity auction as donations to the Assisi Hospice. Founded in 1969, the Assisi Hospice provides palliative care for anyone faced with a life-limiting illness, regardless of age, race, religion or financial status.
I marathon-painted the mural over a weekend (23 hours) on a large wall at the open courtyard of the newly rebuilt hospice. The mural depicts a family get-together, one of the most cherished and inspirational moments of our lifetimes.

The mural is opened to the public for viewing. It is located just next to the main entrance DSCN1762on the ground floor courtyard. However, visitors must register at the entrance and observe certain rules, including NO photo taking of patients, keeping quiet and avoid visiting in the evening.

I hope this humble mural will create more interest in understanding end-of-life care. I’m very happy I am able to use my art to contribute back to the society which has provided opportunities for my endeavor. Thank you! — at Assisi Hospice.

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